Kenny Rogers (the pitcher, not the singer) was recently suspended for 20 games for attacking a couple of cameramen before a practice, and he's appealing his sentence. So, what does he do to prove that his apology for the incident was sincere and that his suspension should be lessened? He started talking shit in a menacing manner to another cameraman who was video taping his booking for ....well hitting the other cameraman. How stupid is that? Didn't he get a clue from the previous incident? Is he so stupid that he's unaware those big cameras being carried around by news crews are taping his actions and maybe he shouldn't act like dick when they are pointed at him? Kenny, I don't care if the guy is flipping you the bird or spitting on your shoe, ignore him. Another incident isn't going to help your appeal. Of course, Rogers showed an incredible display of PR savvy recently. He was voted to pitch in the All-Star game by the other players, and he did so. Even though, he knewhe wasn't wanted, that he was an embarrassment and would be booed. His reasoning for still going? Well, the players voted him in, so he belonged (Plus a $50K bonus). In a word - Bullshit. Does he really think they would have voted for him if the incident occurred beforehand? I doubt it, too. Yet, he decided that the All-Star game should be about him. He should have stayed home. Does anyone else think that the NFL or NBA would let a suspended player into their all-star game?
Actually, the dumbest thing is what most people suspect is the reason for him attacking the cameraman. He's mad because the Rangers won't give him a contract extension. Apparently the Rangers are unaware how valuable a 40 year old pitcher really is. Why he feels the need to take it out on a cameraman is beyond me. What I want to know is why people in baseball are so angry? When ESPN was showing clips of confrontations between baseball players and media types, it was usually a player going after someone just standing there. Contrary to the impression given by Ron Artest, most of the fights between fans and players happen in baseball. These dumbasses also have tendency to hurt themselves. Rogers broke his hand earlier this year hitting a water cooler. Off hand I can think of several pitchers who have broken their hand throwing temper tantrums - Kevin Brown, Julian Tavarez, Jason Isringhausen. Can you think of a whole bunch of NFL players or NBA players who've done that? You also don't see fights like the baseball brawls in other sports. Of course, most "base-brawls" consist of a player charging the mound and everyone piling on everyone else and weak-ass punches being thrown. However, you would think that football and basketball would have a lot more fights just because those guys are already getting physical with each other, so in theory, a little push should put them over the edge. Yet, fighting in those sports is pretty rare. It makes it to TV because when they do really go at it, they aren't just making a big pile on each other. Plus, they aren't that common, thus are news. Heck, bench clearing brawls in baseball are so common, they don't even lead Sportscenter unless it's the Yankees and Red Sox. Even managers get into the act. You don't see football or basketball coaches get into the referees face screaming like the ref just stole their lunch. In baseball, managers will kick dirt on umpires, and even after being thrown out, they'll stand around screaming. NFL or NBA, your ass is out of there quick when you're tossed. Maybe baseball players feel inferior because football is viewed as a more macho sport, so they defend their manhood by throwing at batters after giving up a homerun. It's just usually someone else who didn't hit a homerun off you. And now you have base-runner. Not only are you extra-tough, but you're a genius. I think baseball has just let these idiots get away with it so long they feel the need to act certain ways. Take it from me, if you suspended pitchers for a month for deliberately hitting a batter (and you know when they do it) or a player for a mandatory 20 games for leaving the bench during a fight (like the NBA does), it'll stop.
6 years ago
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