French commandos stormed the compound of some gay pedophile cult to rescue a 12 year old boy that the nutsacks thought was the next messiah. The head boy-humper was on the run for three years even though he lived in a compound on an island the size of Louisville. Oh well, at least France can claim their first military victory since the Franco-Austrian War of 1859.
I really hope John Edwards manages to stay in the Democratic primary race. Everyone else running for president this year (for next year) is just doing your standard flip-flopping, but Edwards' level of hypocrisy is simply astounding as well as entertaining. I thought a man who just built a mega-mansion declaring poverty as his main issue was pretty bad, but Edwards recently challenged other Democratic contenders to give back any money they got from anyone employed by Fox News Channel's parent company New Corp (because Edwards wants to be president for all Americans). Yet, Edwards refuses to give back the $800,000 he received from HarperCollins for a book he "wrote". Why do I find this hypocritical? HarperCollins is a part of News Corp. Apparently, in the fantasy world that Edwards resides in, $1000 from low level Fox employees into campaign coffers is tainted, but high six figures directly from the company into his pocket is perfectly fine. Does he have any shame at all? Actually, I already knew he didn't.
Why is Flavor Flav suddenly so popular again?
After reading this article, I have decided to become an environmentalist. This guy is claiming that walking to the store causes more global warming than driving. To be honest, I find this as full of crap as most environmental hysteria, but anything that says I should be a couch potato is OK in my book.
Tucson is experimenting with a program to pay high school students $25 a week to stay in school. And study some. However, as much as they've dumbed down high school, it shouldn't be hard to make some coin. This program is borderline stupid. By borderline stupid, I mean completely retarded. If these students aren't smart enough to figure out finishing high school is in their best interest, too bad. The world needs ditch diggers. I have a better idea. Fine students who drop out. They pissed away a publicly paid education, so they should pay it back.
Pearl Jam is upset that AT&T "censored" some anti-George Bush lyrics on a cybercast of their concert, and they blame media consolidation. You know, I might take their complaints about media consolidation more seriously if it wasn't for the fact that they were being sponsored and broadcast by AT&T which is one of the largest media companies in the country. Or I might take them more seriously if Eddie Vedder wasn't a whiny, pretentious prick.
A Minnesota man paid an unlicensed surgeon to cut off his balls because they pained him. Ouch. One thing confuses me. It says that regular medical people wouldn't remove them. Why not? I've always thought that sex change operations should be illegal, because they are doing complete body mutilation for something that is basically a mental problem. Doctors are willing to do that, but they won't remove rather small, unnecessary (he's 62) body parts to relieve chronic pain. Does that make sense?
A British teacher's union wants Youtube shut down because of cyber-bullying. Let's see. Google paid well over $1 billion for Youtube, and some whiny teachers think it should be shut down? Does going into the education field kill brain cells? Okay, cyber-bullying is not a good thing, but shutting down a billion dollar company will do what? Probably make kids go back to old fashioned bullying where wimps get their ass beat at school.
Maybe they should be spending more time checking on important things. Like whether the pipes are mixed up and sending toilet water to the sinks. It's not used toilet water, but in Japan, there are different grades of water and water to be flushed will make you sick.
I saw one of the oddest things. Bravo was showing Eddie Murphy: Raw, and it was edited for language. Which means every third word was silent.
I didn't like Tom Daschle when he was in the Senate, and I certainly don't like him now that he's a lobbyist. However, his latest email decrying Republican attempts to win Tim Johnson's Senate seat is pretty galling. Yes, it's sad that Johnson almost died from a brain hemorrhage, but it's ludicrous to think Republicans shouldn't run a candidate for his seat because of it. I've never heard the theory that illness protects a seat. I guess the Republicans shouldn't run anyone against Robert Byrd because he's old and could die soon. Actually, Johnson has missed the past eight months, and who knows if he'll fully recover. It seems a worse thing to do would be running someone in poor health just to protect a seat.
Microsoft is using a hot model as a poster girl in an effort to change the image of the computer industry from "geeky" to "sexy" (take my word for it, it ain't happening). Their concern is that not enough students are going into computer fields, and the reason they give is that it's "not one of the sexier professions." Yeah, that's the reason. I call BS on this one. People in Australia aren't going into IT professions because those jobs are being sent to low cost countries. Microsoft is probably just covering themselves with this little stunt. They can say they need to outsource because there aren't any IT graduates available, and then they'll send more jobs to China and India to save a buck while Bill Gates pontificates about other things being more important than money. Kind of funny about India. The big complaint there is western big box retail stores moving into the country and hurting local stores. Guess they didn't realize global markets run both ways.
British fire chiefs are defending their actions in responding to an emergency call to rescue a pet duck from a drain. Now, I'm not going to be heartless and say they should have let it die (or killed and eaten it) to save resources, but why the Hell did it take three crews and a rescue boat to get a duck out of a drain?
I heard a little blurb on the news that the Counting Crows recently got back together. I'll be honest. I wasn't that big a fan, and in fact, Mr. Jones is the only song of their's that I remember. And as far as songs titled Mr. Jones, I would have to definitely put their's behind The Maverick's and quite possibly The Psychedelic Furs'. So, the only interest I had in the story was no interest until they mentioned that the Counting Crows would be playing Farm Aid this year. Farm Aid is still around? Can someone tell me why a fund raiser is still needed for one of the most heavily subsidized industries that has been making record income in recent years? How do farmers go under? They can get all kinds of federal money if something goes wrong even if they have subsidized insurance. They can get federal drought aid without having a drought, government handouts even when profitable and free money without actually planting anything. So, why are a bunch musicians wanting me to donate to help someone in an industry with an average household income over $80,000? Funny thing is they aren't. Instead, now they spend the bulk of their money on other things like "teaching urbanites about where food comes from." That's stupid. Food comes from Kroger. So, is Willie Nelson singing "Whiskey River" and following up with an in-depth lecture on crop rotation? Actually, with Willie Nelson fans, their main agricultural interest does not involve an edible crop. Another thing they are pushing is organic farming which means they are taking sides between different types of farming. Certainly they wouldn't pit farmers against each other. Would they? I doubt this is included in the brochure.
A woman auditioning for American Idol went into labor while waiting her turn. Bet she hit the high notes. I bet it sucked to be in line next to her when her water broke.
Too bad. The Weekly World News is halting its print edition. It was at least as accurate as Reuters.
A man is suing McDonald's after he became sick due to eating a Quarter Pounder. Not for the obvious reason that McDonald's has really lousy food, but because they didn't hold the cheese that he was allergic to. Now, on one hand I think McDonald's should help pay some medical costs because he did ask them to hold the cheese. However, $10 million? Give me friggin break. His attorney said he told three people he was allergic to cheese, but two of them either never see the food (pay window) or get it after it's been wrapped up (pick-up window). The best line was that his client "took five independent steps to make sure that thing had no cheese on it". Interesting. So far, I see three steps, but his client seemed to leave out a major step. How about opening the bun and looking to see if there is cheese on it? If a bite of cheese puts you halfway into the grave, doesn't it seem stupid that you wouldn't check the burger yourself ? You're putting your life in the hands of zit faced high school dropouts (it is in West Virginia).
50 Cent says if his latest album doesn't outsell Kanye West's new one, he'll stop recording solo albums. Why not just pop a cap in his ass?
6 years ago
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