Always nice to see an 80s icon (a term I'm using loosely) make a comeback. Somehow Rick Astley has become a popular internet attraction as people engage in RickRolling which I originally assumed was some perverted sex act involving Ricky Martin. However, it seems to be sending a prank link that leads unsuspecting porn surfers to his video so that new generations can ask the same question that people of the 80s did 20 years ago when they first viewed it. "That guy is white?". After reading how two of his three albums ("Greatest Hits" and "Platinum & Gold Collection") are still in print, my question is how do you do two greatest hits albums when you only had one hit?
The latest political sex scandal deals with a Michigan Senator's husband who got caught in a prostitution sting. I was pretty indifferent until I read the part that he paid $150 and left after 15 minutes. Let this be a lesson for you. If you visit a hooker at a hotel, the police may be videotaping. So just hang out with the hooker so that people won't think you're a quick shooter.
I wandered across this blog entry about Mexican Emo fans being beat up by metalheads, punk rockers and rockabilly boys down south of the boarder. I'm not sure if my first thought was "There's rockabilly boys in Mexico?" or if it was "What the Hell is Emo?".
The latest clash between Western culture and Islamic life was a Dutch film called Fitna which seems to indicate that Islam causes followers to engage in violence. I think the best part was the Dutch government saying that you can't equate Islam and violence. And yet, they didn't want the video released because it might lead to things like violence from Muslims. Gee, threats of violence from Muslims angry that you might think they're violent. I'm actually surprised that this became news. It's pretty routine.
As always, Muslims demand respect for their religion while being totally oblivious to the fact that Islamic countries are the worst offenders of religious discrimination. Malaysia keeps locking up a woman up for joining a sect that worships tea pots (Malaysia also likes to demolish Hindu temples and confiscate Bibles). Remember. Malaysia is considered one of the most moderate Muslim nations.
Contrast that with Austria. A Catholic museum did an art display of some kook who liked painting things such as the last supper showing how Jesus and the Apostles masturbated each other. The idiot director says the point of the display was to "provoke a debate". Exactly what are we supposed to be debating? I must have missed all the theological discussions over whether Jesus enjoyed a good, old fashioned circle jerk after Passover meals. Showing idiocy is contagious, the reporter tried to make a connection between protests over this display and those by Muslims over Fitna or the Muhammad comics. Except of course, this protest seems to be missing the death threats, acts of violence, property damage or calls to break off diplomatic relations. In fact, most of the anger seems to be over the fact that a Catholic Church runs the museum. So, yeah. The situation is very similar. Much like the invasion of Panama is exactly like the invasion of Normandy.
Sure, it's not the same thing as a woman going in for a leg operation and getting a new anus, but we get another case of a German patient not getting what she wanted. A woman lost a lot of weight and went in to get her skin tightened. The doctor did so by putting in breast implants. I'm sure her husband is furious.
Here's a fun story. Man "surfs" on top of his minivan until it wrecks and flings him into the woods. He then strips off all his clothes and runs down the road with his guts hanging out while ignoring three jolts from a taser. I want to party with that guy.
Ah, the Olympics. I've never been a big believer of the "Olympic Myth" that it's some kind of pure event that's above politics. It's always been political. If it wasn't, the best athletes period would be there instead of being there as national representatives. So, I find it really funny to see the Olympic committee squirm while the Olympic torch gets protested while going through Europe. Granted, I'm not a proponent of people destroying property or attacking others during a protest, but it was pretty funny to see someone chasing the torch with a fire extinguisher. In China's defense, they've been subjugating Tibetans (and pretty much all Chinese for that matter) for almost 60 years without much complaint. How could they know that it would suddenly be a problem? Actually, the Olympic committee has only themselves to blame. You gave the Olympics to a totalitarian regime that has an abysmal record on human rights, constantly threatens its neighbor (an actual democracy), enabled genocide in the Sudan, used the games as an excuse to arrest dissidents and puts lead in all its export products. And it freely admits that it wanted the Olympics to show its political and economic power. Which is the same reason the Germans wanted the 1936 Olympics, and that worked so well. How could the Olympic committee not have seen there might be a problem?
So, the Clintons have made $109 million since Bill left office in 2001. Kind of makes you take Hillary with a giant grain of salt whenever she bitches about someone else's greed.
More proof why Johnny can't read. His school administrators are stupid. An 8 year old was suspended for sniffing a Sharpie. This was in spite of the fact that they were told you cannot get high from huffing Sharpies. When retarded people are running the schools, what chance do the kids have?
And finally, in news that is just plain weird, a man received a heart transplant from some dude who shot himself. Man meets the decedent's wife. Marries her. And eventually shoots himself. I wonder if the wife is taking this personally?
6 years ago
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