I'll be honest. I did not watch any of the Democratic Convention. Has nothing to do with my dislike of socialism. I won't watch the Republican convention either. These things are completely pointless since the primaries have already told us who the nominee will be. So, am I supposed to be impressed that they pick a bunch of party hacks to give a speech (that a whole team probably worked to write)? I can read the transcript of the speech the next day. Mainly because things that sound great when spoken often look ridiculous when you read them. Case in point when I was reading Obama's transcript and came to this line about how he would cut taxes for 95% of working families. Really? Which taxes would those be? With deductions and earned income credits, only half the people in this country pay federal taxes. How do you reduce that? Conventions are just big pep rallies that cost a lot of money for no real purpose. Sure I could have tuned in to watch Obama walk on water (I'm assuming that must have been in the program somewhere), but I saw Ric Ocasek do it in the video for Magic. I think there is a trick to it. Although a few years later, an ugly as ever Ocasek was married to supermodel Paulina Porizkova. If that's not magic, I don't know what is.
The other big news was Vice-President picks even though every study has shown that the V-P pick really doesn't make much of a difference. After teasing the press for a few days, Barak Obama picked Joe Biden. I can't remember where I read this, but it was the best analysis of the situation. "After all that buildup, the pick was Joe Biden?" The pick was popular with the political pundits because they actually know something about him. However, I have to question how popular he is outside Washington (and Delaware) since he was fighting Christopher Dodd for last place in a very abbreviated Presidential campaign. Not sure how good a pick it is. Supposedly, he has foreign policy experience although his response to 9/11 was a little (actually stunningly) stupid. Plus, when you're whole campaign is based around "CHANGE" and being an outsider, does it make sense to pick someone who has spent almost all of their professional life in the Senate?
Then John McCain makes his pick and chooses Alaskan governor Sarah Palin in an obvious effort for disgruntled women still pissed that Hillary lost the Democratic nomination. Or he's trying to shore up the three electoral votes from a state the Republicans have only lost once. Unless we're talking MILFs in politics, she wouldn't have been my first choice for V-P, but then again, McCain wasn't even in my top three for President. There is a lot to like to like about her. Some of it political. The best being her fiscal policy of flipping the bird to dillweed Don Young and hopefully-soon-to-be-in-jail Ted Stevens. I half wondered if McCain counter intuitively chose her because her biggest drawback is inexperience. Democrats would look pretty silly saying a governor of two years is inexperienced, but a Senator of three years is perfectly fine. I figured the Obama camp would just ignore her, but I was wrong. They jumped right in. I guess the Democrats believe experience (no matter how stupid that experience is) is only necessary for the vice-presidents. It's beyond me that they would want to make that an issue.
Speaking of that Alaskan dumbass Don Young, Ron Paul has endorsed him. Paul has lived on a myth that he's some kind of fiscal conservative constitutionalist. Well, that sham should be well exposed when he endorses his old buddy who happens to be one of the pork gluttons in Congress.
Interesting study about British anti-Americanism found that one reason it's prevalent is Brits don't know crap about America. Which shouldn't be surprising since they don't know much about themselves. Why should we be surprised by this? Their news comes from the BBC which is considered very anti-American. Funny how other countries complain we don't care enough to know about the rest of the world. Douchebags.
I used to have a place in my heart for Sweden. Well, at least the Swedish Bikini team and Swedish Erotica movie series. But this is about the most pathetic story I've heard. A couple of men in Sweden, who obviously have too much time on their hands (and apparently nothing in them), are whining because the state run pharmacy only has women's sex toys. Don't they have the Internet there? I was confused by the women who defended the practice by saying, "there are no products of good quality on the market for men." How does she know? Does she test them? How? The other thing that confused me was a comment that women used to get better rates on taxis and haircuts. Why? I can see bars doing it because it brings in women who bring in men who blow money on women. But do cabs smell so bad there that they have to discount the trip in order to get women to ride them? And haircuts? Usually women are charged more because they take longer. Are Swedish men such poofters that there hair takes longer?
And why don't they do like the guy in Hong Kong who stuck his wang in a park bench? Oh right, because he got stuck.
Or go to a hooker. Someone went to this hooker in New York who only had one leg, was in a wheelchair and performing her services in a hallway of the building she lived in. What a good neighbor. And so inspiring that she didn't let her handicap get in the way of a fulfilling career. And then her john killed her. Not very sporting.
In other sex news that involves criminal prosecution, a woman is being tried for illegally having sex with a 15 year old. Yet, the victim of sexual assault has been told he has to pay child support because the criminal got pregnant through her crime. Now, the boy's family is trying to get custody. Let's ask this question. If an adult male impregnated a underage girl, would any court give him custody of the child? I don't think so either.
Somewhere in Tennessee, a woman shot a porno movie in a playground at a local park. Well, they said porno, but it sounds like she just flashed the camera. Still, it's a crime that should be punished (although the TV report says they may not be able to arrest her). Or at least fought against. I offer my services to patrol those local parks to see if she does it again. And I will watch as long as necessary so I can describe every detail of it to the police.
FOOTBALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. College football began on Thursday and the big UL/UK game is coming up. Usually, I try to break down the different issues to pick a winner. Well, I don't want to touch this game at all. No way in hell would I bet on it. I have no idea what's going to happen. UK lost a good chunk of its offensive stars. UL has no experience at receiver or linebacker. UK thinks they've got a good defense, but I think that's been overblown. Nor do I think UL's was as bad as they looked although they did look bad. Both teams may rely on the run, but statistically, both were pretty mediocre at it last year. UL reshuffled the coaching staff which can give me some hope as they looked ill-prepared way too often. Although that begs the question if coordinators are so important, why do head coaches make so much more money? Even as bad as UL was at times last year, they had the lead with just over a minute left when these teams last played. The game's in Louisville which meant something before last year. The one thing that gives UL an edge is the fact Hunter Cantwell has started games at quarterback before and did well. Which I think could be enough. I'll probably be happy if they don't go out on the field and look like a bunch dumbasses like they did last year.
6 years ago