Ah, those politicians and their inability to keep it in their pants. Some big sex scandals. Let's jump right in with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now, I guess you could say this isn't really a political scandal as much as Hollywood decadence. After all, Arnold fathered an illegitimate child with the maid fourteen years ago. Long before he became governor of California. Then he was out of office (and apparently out of politics) when it came out what had happened. But I think I'll talk about it anyway because the woman he knocked up was kind of ugly. Which leads to fun discussions about the fact that apparently those are the kind of women that Arnold liked. Ugly chicks. Because he doesn't want to chance them being prettier than he is. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I think it was less because they were easier and so flattered enough to be boned by a wealthy, famous person that they were willing to keep it a secret. After all, this woman hid a love child for over a decade. And continued to be his maid when she could have earned some boucoup child support.
That said, I don't quite have much respect for Arnold anymore. I wasn't surprised this came out. After all, there have been rumors about him for a long time. A man seen as a serial groper would also seem the type to bang the maid, impregnate her and do nothing about it. And I'm not really buying the story that Arnold was unaware until Maria Shriver figured it out. There seemed to be a bit of a resemblance. So at the very least, he should have strongly suspected. Should have suspected enough to maybe ask. Would that have been too hard? Shriver and everyone else had an excuse to be in denial, but Arnold had a little more info on it. Namely, he knew he was banging the maid. And let's look at the scenario. You're doing the Mexican maid with the Mexican husband. She turns up pregnant. The boy has blonde hair and blue eyes just like an Austrian child might have. Just like you. And even though the boy is around quite a bit, you never suspect? Nope. Not gonna believe it. If Arnold never asked, it's because he didn't want to know. And that is why he has lost my respect (which I'm sure is crushing him). If he had any inkling (and he had to have) that child was his, he should taken responsibility for it. For God's sake, at least stop making the mother of your child be your actual maid.
Now, I don't care for children. They are disgusting creatures that cost money and don't really produce any economic benefit. Well at least for me. But, that child is about the only I feel sorry for in the whole saga. Well, Arnold's other kids are bystanders who have to suffer the family embarrassment. Actually, I'm kind of glad the maid continued working for the last fourteen years. Something wrong with being monetarily rewarded for sleeping with a married man. I can't even feel sorry for Maria Shriver. There have been too many stories and rumors for her to act like she didn't suspect his infidelity. And defend him to the last breath in his gubernatorial race which makes me believe she was okay as long as he was going to get political power in California. Then it blew up in their face. But why should she have been surprised about it. She's a Kennedy (and made her career off that). That is a family almost proud of their caddish behavior with women. Only an idiot like Rosie O'Donnell would think Arnold doesn't fit in with that Kennedy legacy. Arnold may have been boning the help, but unlike Shriver's cousin Michael, he didn't start when she was 14. But you might point out a person can't choose their family, but I was about to vomit every time I read a news excerpt that mentioned her recent rough times included the death of her "beloved" uncle Ted. Yeah. Old Uncle Teddy. He knew how to treat women right. Drown 'em.
Actually, the most fun with this type of story is they do news roundups on the all day news stations and need filler so they show clips from other news shows. Not real I consider The View a news story but I caught a clip of Barbara Walters asking why men can't keep their pants zipped up. Would that be the same Barbara Walters who once had an affair with a married man? A married man who also happened to be a sitting Senator? I think she should be able to answer that question pretty easily. Because sluts like her put out for them.
But the Schwarzenegger story came out pretty quickly and then kind of died since he was out of office and had no immediate projects. But then came Anthony Weiner. I was so sad when he resigned over this because he was truly the gift that kept on giving. A college coed gets a picture of an underwear-clad erect penis sent from a Congressman's twitter account which he follows with a post that he was hacked. The regular media report it as a hacking even though Weiner does not go to the authorities about this federal crime because he doesn't want to waste the police's time. Others don't think that isn't the real reason (not helped when Weiner is willing to waste the police's time running off a reporter). Weiner says he is done talking about it. Then he really begins to talk about it. Always smart to lose your cool and call a reporter a jackass. I love that video clip. The best part how Weiner refuses to give a simple yes/no answer, but keeps trying to tell this analogy about hecklers in a crowd (I bet he spent at least two hours in front of a mirror the night before practicing that exact speech as a default answer to any question). I think he got mad because after all that hard work, they correctly understood it was irrelevant to the question of whether or not a married Congressman was sending dic-pics to college girls and wanted a real answer.
Then he is forced to admit it because as it always seems to happen when a sex story breaks (think Tiger Woods), more women come out of the woodwork. With more than a simple underwear shot. Some was pretty explicit. And so soon after his marriage. Even then he didn't want to resign. Probably because he has no skills or ability for gainful employment that doesn't include political connections. Which may be as pathetic as sending dick pics across twitter. But he eventually resigned. And the best part of that article is reading that Bill Clinton is livid at Weiner's behavior. Seriously? Bill Clinton? Mad at someone messing around on his wife? But what may have made Weiner resign? You may want to scroll down in his initial press conference admitting to his deeds. Where he says the women were all of age - "at least to the best of my knowledge." Well, except that 17 year old high school girl that Weiner was sending direct messages to. Oh, they all say there was nothing explicit in the messages. Sure, because Weiner would never do anything reckless like that. But the fact that he was emailing a high schooler was a bit too much. So he resigned.
What made this most interesting to me was how the press behaved. I have seen many people (usually celebs or sports people) who put something indelicate on their twitter feed and them claim they were hacked. No one ever believed them. Yet, when Weiner said it, it was taken as gospel. Or they attacked Andrew Breitbart for reporting it (Cenk Uygur was my favorite because it was all so wrong). I even saw some reporters on a roundtable saying the fact that Breitbart first reported the twitter pic was a reason not to report on it. Sorry. That's complete crap. The moment Weiner tweeted that he had been hacked, there was a story there. Either a congressman was sending pictures of his junk to college girls online or a congressman's account was hacked. Both would be stories.
But once it became obvious that something was going on, we got the excuses. The first was "It's his personal life, so it doesn't matter as long as he does a good job. And we only reported on Republican sex scandals because they were hypocrites unlike Democrats who don't preach family values." Well, a good job is subjective but for all the talk about Weiner being a rising star, he wasn't known for much legislatively. I follow politics as much as anyone so I knew who he was, but not for any piece of legislation that he pushed. Even his wiki page lists some things he was for, but he didn't sponsor or write the big stuff. Well, except trying to get more supermodels to work in New York. That's important work there. Weiner's value to his party was based on him being an ass. He could rant and rave on the floor of Congress or rip Republicans on news shows and get away with it because he's a New Yorker and they're rude anyway. But that's why Democrats finally told him to go. He was useless to them. After getting caught doing this, who is going to take him seriously after that? And no hypocrisy? Yeah. I remember all those ads the Democrats ran opposing family values. Anthony Weiner's campaign bio listed "cybersexing with strange women I meet online." And his wedding vows ended with "and I promise to only commit adultery with women I meet online and won't start until next month" (and for those who believe it's not adultery, try running it past a divorce judge because it counts). I'd be pissed if I was a Democrat. Because they seem so grumpy, but also because the press is telling them that they are immoral. All Congressmen play up their happy family image. And they don't have a private life. Not in this sense anyway. If their constituents are okay with sexual indiscretions, that's fine. I personally find it rather bizarre that I'm being told that a member of Congress is being held to a lower level of behavior than I would expect from a local school principal. But that's up to them. However, telling me it's not a story is crap. I want to know if my Congressman is messing around like this.
After all, if doing a few porno movies means you can't teach anymore, then why should you be a Congressman? Teaching means you can screw up five or six classes worth of people a year, but a Congressman can screw up a lot more. Actually I don't see a problem with former porn people teaching at the lower levels of education which may seem counter intuitive. As I've said before, elementary school children shouldn't even know what that means. Obviously at the high school level, how much respect can a high school teacher get if her students know she did porn? None. Plus, you've got a bunch of horny high school students thinking their teacher is willing to sleep with anyone. Which I think I said before when this woman was fired from a school in Kentucky five years ago. But I can't find it on the blog. Must have been on the fantasy football website with all the naked pictures I used to run.
Speaking of porn, this is a sad tale. Well, maybe not sad. Pretty pathetic actually. The girl from some show called Teen Mom has been offered a role in a porno movie. The moment I saw this story, I said it was sad and despicable. Well, first I thought "what the hell is Teen Mom?". Then I thought sad and despicable. Well, after I saw the picture of the girl. Who would want to watch that?
And finally, one last porn story. Chyna wants to do another movie. Enjoy your dinner after hearing that.
6 years ago
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