Considering how many of my neighbors are originally from Mexico, I used to not really be concerned about migration from Mexico. Yeah, I don't like illegal immigration (more on that later), but the only reason I've been concerned about how many get in from Mexico is fairness. We can't take everyone so why should someone from Mexico get precedence because they can walk across a seemingly unmanned border? Is that fair to Africans, Asians or Eastern Europeans who also live in poverty and would like to move to America for economic opportunity? But I didn't worry too much. Hell, immigration from Mexico has to be better than other places. Say, Pakistan. But still, for the most part, I like Mexico. If Taco Bell hadn't bastardized Mexican cuisine, I wouldn't have the Volcano Taco. But then a couple of things happened. First was a bunch of dickhead high schoolers. You're attending an American high school paid for by American tax dollars and you want fellow students suspended for wearing American Flag shirts on a Mexican holiday? Some people have lost their friggin minds (and the fact that this is in California explains why it may be the first state to go bankrupt). Does anyone think I'd be kicked out of an Irish pub in Boston for wearing that shirt on St Patrick's Day? I now don't want immigrants coming there if their ability to assimilate is so stunted that they find it offensive to wear the flag of the country that feeds and protects them on a holiday for the hellhole their parents fled.
Then came Felipe Calderon who happens to be the leader of said hellhole. He stands up in front of Congress to condemn the new law of Arizona that seeks to deal with the fact that our southern border might have a few leaks. Maybe if I thought he had a point, I might shrug it off. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...........noted right winger Wolf Blitzer managed to get Calderon to admit that American immigration laws might be a little less strict than other countries of the western hemisphere. Like Mexico. Almost seems hypocritical for him to lecture us considering the abuses that occur to immigrants moving through Mexico. Did I say "almost"? I meant what an asshole he is. Let's face it. Calderon doesn't want immigration reform. He wants to keep it the way it is. The economic boon they were supposed to get from NAFTA never really materialized. Might have something to do with a country being so lawless that drug gangs actually attacked army bases. So of course he needs his countrymen streaming into America so they can send money back home. It's a major part of their GDP. They don't abuse Central American illegals in Mexico because they're taking away jobs there. They're afraid an illegal Honduran will take a job from an illegal Mexican in the states. If Calderon really gave two craps about his people, he'd want to do something about it. As it is now, illegal immigration means the people trying to sneak in are preyed upon by all types of criminals. Human traffickers (including forced prostitution), drug smugglers, illegal sweatshop owners, identity thieves and the like. But what's a few Mexicans left to die in the desert by a a coyote as long as others get through to send half their paycheck back home.
While Calderon was making an ass of himself, so were several Congressmen (who may or may not have been from the majority party but in fact, were) who stood and applauded. They may re-think that in the fall if they were on camera for it. Which begs the question whether it's a good law or not. Of course it it. Some people are so out of touch with reality that MSNBC actually ran a headline saying the law made it a crime to be an illegal immigrant. Okaaaaaaaaay. I'm sure they'll find more illegal things to make illegal. The fact is that Arizona has had to deal with a lot of problems because we do nothing to secure our border with Mexico. We have enough criminals here. Why import more? And this nonsense about Arizona lawmen running wild to arrest illegals is plain stupid. Cops have a lot to do. They aren't cruising around looking for illegals. Plus, the law is clear they have to have stopped the suspect for something else first, and only then check their immigration status if something is suspicious. Which means if an illegal is pulled over for reckless driving, speaks no English, and has no ID, the police may check with the feds. Is it fair that a traffic stop could lead to someone being deported? Hell yeah. He broke the law to get here. Sympathy for him is in short supply. What isn't fair is letting him go while someone who has gone through the regular immigration process has to wait to get here.
I've only owned three cars in my life. Ran them to death before trading in for a new one. Always GM. Although I've never bought a "new" car in my life. But I may not buy a GM in the future. A government owned car company makes me think inefficient, low quality and overpriced. Not a great selling point for the future. But then came the ad stating they had paid back the federal government in full for the bailout loans. Now I expect a certain level of dishonesty in advertising but not such a bald face lie. Anyone with any cognitive thought realized it would be impossible for GM to payback billions in loans when they haven't made a profit in years. And sure enough, it was a big ass lie. The repayment money was taken from other bailout money. Which shows it's definitely government run because it has the same mindset. After all, the Social Security Administration invests its funds in Treasury bonds. Which means any money from social security taxes not paid out to retirees was "invested" in an entity that doesn't produce a return on investment. Basically the surplus was sent to the general fund to be spent profligately. Really not much different than taking one set of bailout dollars to pay off another and bragging about it.
Here's a truly heart-warming story. College and high school students in Washington, DC have joined together to rally for a cause - Trojan condoms. They're crying because health officials are supplying (for free) the non-trendy Durex condoms. The complaints? Don't like getting it from nurses which reminds them of their aunt or grandmother. Wusses. Poor quality which apparently means the quality of the wrapper since the Durex are just as good at the job. Oh, and the schools are full of John Holmes' wannabes who think the Durex are too small so they want the Magnum, the greatest marketing ploy ever. Which means the DC government is stupid for buying the Magnum and giving it out because a condom is supposed to be tight. If it isn't, it has a better chance for a breakage. So, I think before the nurse passes out the Magnum condom, she should make the student drop his pants so she can check that he's better endowed. This whole story is a joke. Save money and buy the Durex. If they're too stupid to use proper protection because it's not in a shiny wrapper, let them die. Besides, they interviewed a 30 year old college student. Seriously, man, get off your parents' couch and buy your own if you want a higher priced rubber.
Now I know I'm a bit of a UN critic, but is there anyone besides Ted Turner who gives the United Nations credibility anymore? They've had Libya chair the Human Rights Commission with Sudan as a member. They've had Zimbabwe chair a committee on sustainable development (I guess to tell us what they've done wrong). So, I guess having Iran be on the UN's Women's Rights commission is par for the course. I guess when Iran executes another teenage rape victim, it won't make the agenda.
I've never been interested in soccer before, but I sometimes get interested in soccer stories. Well, soccer stories about big busted prostitutes who may have been 17 when they began their sordid profession. Normally I won't defend users of underage whores, but then I saw the pictures of her. I'm assuming those are recent pictures so I have to admit, I'd have never thought she was underage so I doubt they were hiring her because they wanted a call girl to pretend to be a young girl. And I must say one thing makes me happy. She's French and yet willing to begin gainful employment at 17. You can't get most of those lazy bastards to work at all.
But that isn't the creepiest sports sex story I've read recently. That goes to the guy who went undrafted in the NFL despite having mid-round ability. The reason? He banged his sister. But it was while they were in high school when people don't have much common sense. To be honest, I'm not sure why he's on the sex offender registry for this. As noted in the story, it was consensual or he would be coded differently. He was 16, she was 15. If they weren't related, this would not be a crime. I'm not sure that having consensual sex with someone a year younger than you really makes you a potential predator which is the whole point of a sex offender registry. Having consensual sex with someone a year younger than you who happens to be your sister does make it creepy, and the plot of a lot of adult movies (or so I've been told). But considering the NFL has guys who have dealt drugs, beat their wives and killed people, creepy doesn't seem like that big a deal.
And this story isn't sports story but it's a lot more disturbing than some guy banging his sister. A man turned a woman he dated into the cops for giving him a sexually transmitted disease. It became a police matter because she also gave it to his dog.
Great. Someone came up with a grand plan to regulate the banking industry. Has a whole bunch of goodies to make sure financial institutions won't fail. How lucky we are to have Congress, a group of people who have proven a lack of any understanding of economics time and again, to protect us from risk. Of course, economic progress is based on risk. Banks accept a certain level of risk when they loan money. If the risk works, they get their money back plus interest. If it doesn't, they lose the money. One of the biggest causes of the latest problems was Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were giving out loans to anyone regardless of risk (and wants to again) and ended up having to be completely taken over by the government. Guess who somehow isn't part of this bill? Oh, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Makes sense. Face it. There is so much government regulation of the financial industry already. Most of the problem is so much of it is gray area stuff. The rest is that government regulators suck at their job. While all this was going on, a whole bunch of SEC staffers were surfing porn while on the job. How great to be a government bureaucrat. One guy tried had 16,000 hit attempts on porn sites. In a month. He got a two week suspension. Bet no one borrowed his desk chair while he was on it.
Speaking of lacking economic knowledge, one of Obama's flunkies has declared that the Value Added Tax is a good idea for raising revenue. This is a tax that is added in increments every step of the manufacturing process. Oh, and it is in addition to the sales tax. I like that supporters say "the burden does not have to fall on the consumer alone." BS. Every step of the manufacturing process will charge extra for their part. Most places have a small margin per unit processed. They make their profit on the quantity. That means to keep their profit the same, they have to raise the per unit price to keep pace with a VAT. Think about it. It's friggin' common sense.
I knew there was something I liked about Jennifer Love Hewitt. Well, two things.
6 years ago
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