I think what I found most interesting in this story about the three Gitmo prisoners committing suicide was the fact that Saudi Arabia has a Human Rights Group. That name is the biggest misnomer since the Soviet's called their official newspaper Pravda (Truth in Russian). I have to wonder if the person writing the story was able to type "Saudi Human Rights Group" with a straight face. I also like how some Saudis don't believe they killed themselves because suicide is a grave sin in Islam. Unless you take out a bunch of Jews and Christians when you do it. Then it's OK.
Does anyone really go to Sam's Club looking for a $900 purse?
I hope Phil doesn't find out about the Vietnamese karaoke story because he may try to implement it on the ski trip, and I don't want to have to write a "self-criticism" report for not singing.
Of course, he will be proud to know that the iPod is more popular with college students than beer. Actually, I think it's because the modern college student has been spoiled by overindulgent parents who give them enough money to buy hard liquor (or foo foo drinks), and they don't have to buy beer. When I was in college, bourbon was for special occasions. Beer (usually Stroh's or Keystone) was much more cost effective.
Speaking of being drunk or getting over it, some guy got quarantined on an Australian cruise ship because he was suspected of having stomach flu. He says he was just hungover. Usually it's opposite as one blames his hangover on stomach flu.
Normally, I'm OK with topless women wondering around, but not quite sure about this sheriff's deputy who got fired for it. That's a hard looking woman. And yet, in the picture (fully clothed) that was in the story, she's got her arms crossed in a "modest" pose.
To go with topless, there's bottomless as an escapee from the circus drove a motorized cart around the store with her pants down.
In the ultimate public nudity, two teachers had to quit when students saw them having sex in a classroom. Here's a thought. Wait until the school day is over. I'm sure they'll blame their public boning on a mental problem. Amsterdam just opened a clinic "for people who can't leave their joysticks alone." Although in this case, it's for video game addicts.
Although, I'm supportive of English only policies in this country and do give the proprietor credit for helping immigrants learn the language, I'm trying to figure out how you order a cheesesteak in Spanish. It's a cheesesteak. I wouldn't go to a Mexican restaurant and ask for a steak tortilla wrap instead of asking for a burrito. Of course, after that Hardee's commercial for their cheesesteak hamburger with the two Philly cab drivers that needed subtitles to be understood, I'm not sure my English will suffice there.
Of course, crime fighters are in the pizza industry. I don't find a pizza delivery guy catching a purse snatcher all that strange, but the fact that the pizza joint makes their delivery boys dress like superheroes is a bit odd. Hopefully, he won't find himself getting sued by the scumbag criminal like the guys at an Auto Zone did. With gall like that, you hope his cellmate finds him purty.
And finally, in the government is retarded segment - a town council in England is concerned about the safety problems inherent in palm trees. Not any concern like them falling over on people or the danger of someone climbing them (Keith Richards could visit) and falling out. No, they are concerned a leaf could get in someone's eye. One idiot went so far as to compare having palm trees to having a tigers running loose. Tax dollars at work.
6 years ago
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