Just when we get to the stretch run for college basketball, the big story is about a BYU basketball player getting a little nookie. Brandon Davies was the leading rebounder and third leading scorer for BYU, and then he was suspended for the rest of the year for boning his girlfriend. Which is against the honor code and which has caused some controversy over whether or not the honor code isn't some archaic blast from the past. My take? The school can take whatever action they want, and Davies signed up for it so too damned bad for him. Although the story is Davies confessed, but it hasn't come out if he just blurted it out or was turned in by someone else and admitted it afterwards. So, there is a certain weirdness about a school for adults investigating a student's private sex life. And of course it's archaic and unrealistic. Signing a no sex pledge at an age when you're a walking erection with low impulse control is easy to do, but hard to maintain. If any basketball or football player worth a crap asked my opinion of playing at BYU (and of course they wouldn't), I'd call them an idiot for even considering it. If you want to live a chaste and wholesome life, you can do that anywhere as long as you stick to it. You don't need a signed statement with your school for that. The difference is that BYU will suspend you from basketball for a non-criminal mistake. Davies is considered the next best pro prospect from BYU after the weirdly named Jimmer Fredette. He's probably a borderline player, but I've seen a lot of borderline players have a great NCAA tournament and suddenly show up in the first round. Which won't happen to Davies because he won't be playing. Bet he wishes he'd stuck to playing with himself.
Now, what I find especially interesting about this whole situation is how many sports pundits have jumped up and taken BYU's side by essentially saying how great it is that a school will put its honor code above winning. Yawn. Sportswriters are so predictable. They rip into schools for putting too much emphasis on winning, and then rip them for losing too much when they do put emphasis on things besides winning. Of course, it makes it easier to cheer for BYU dumping a player and hurting their chances in the NCAA tournament when it's BYU. Most sportswriters don't want to go to Ogden, Utah to cover a BYU basketball team. But what is most hypocritical about all this support is they keep leaving out a big chunk of the BYU honor code. Namely that you can claim to be gay, but if you show it in any way, you're breaking the honor code. I just have this feeling that if Davies were suspended for admitting to walking around campus holding hands with some dude that he loved, those same sportswriters might be a little harsher on BYU. In fact, I have a feeling you'd have to go far and wide to find any sports writer defending them.
I've had more than a few people say I need psychiatric help. But maybe I'll start with some nude therapy. Some chick in New York hosts one hour therapy sessions for $150 a pop (insert your own joke here) where she takes her clothes off during that time. Oh, and she's not licensed. She does it as a hobby. And often online. So, her online hobbies involve female nakedness as much as mine. Sounds like she's just an exhibitionist who thinks she's too high class for chatroulette. Oh, and she probably wouldn't make $150 an hour there. And would have to deal with nasty naked guys too. Or so I've heard.
Some Republicans want to cut funding for public broadcasting and NPR. About damned time. Why would any Republican vote to subsidize NPR when it is incredibly hostile to your party? Oh, of course the pantywaist liberals will accuse them of trying to "kill Big Bird". But that's a level of stupidity that only a retarded person would believe. To begin with, as Jim DeMint points out, any organization that can pay its execs hundreds of thousands of dollars can survive without being stuck on the federal teat. But even if they can't, so what? Sesame Street will. I worked in a toy store that had a whole aisle devoted to that show. With 8 billion other channels out there (give or take a few), Sesame Street would find a place to land if PBS disappeared. Besides, let's look at who watches PBS. They actually brag about how rich and successful PBS viewers are. Which begs the question of why the rest of us should see our tax dollars (or money borrowed from China) being used so these snooty bastards can watch public television? This is nothing but a subsidy for the rich. And they're snobbier than Hell about it. I remember some years back, the public radio station in Louisville bragged in an ad about how they had the fewest Big Red drinkers of any radio station in a listener survey. Which stations had the most Big Red drinkers? Hip hop and country. So, the elites want the money of the unsophisticated crackers and homeboys, but thank God they don't listen to NPR and sully those listener surveys.
Ah, this is funny. If you try to claim asylum in the Czech Republic for being gay, they'll hook you up to a "peter meter" to see if your willie gets up watching gay porn. But since they also check to see if regular porn does it for you too, I may just claim asylum if I ever visit the Czech Republic just to see if they got some good pornography.
Oh, darn. The electric cars aren't selling. Why anyone is surprised is beyond me. I have nothing against electric cars. If they ever make them efficient and practical, I think it's a good thing. Too bad these pieces of crap go about 60 miles and die. They're not going to sell in this country until they get better battery life. You might notice a lot of people live in non-urban areas. Plus, for someone like me, it's pointless. I live in an apartment. Am I supposed to run an extension cord out the bedroom window to the parking lot? Not while living in the barrio of Lexington I won't. And these cars are too expensive anyway. Even with a government subsidy, the Volt will still be well over $30K meaning that much like NPR, the government money is a subsidy for the rich. It would be nice to think that the price will come down when they make more electric cars. Except the batteries are lithium and there could be issues with supply for that. Under the law of supply and demand, the less supply you have in relation to demand causes prices to rise. Our government doesn't understand that. Gas prices keep going up because of fears that a bunch of Arabs killing each other will disrupt oil supplies. But our own government is trying to restrict our ability to produce our own oil supplies. Apparently they aren't aware that adding domestically produced oil will stabilize the price of oil and lower gas prices. Or maybe they are aware and just don't care.
Speaking of Arabs killing people, it's nice to see that the revolution in Egypt is ending in peace and harmony. And dead Christians. Glad I haven't blogged about this all leading to problems recently.
But let us get back to cars. Up in New York, some yahoos were doing about 145 mph while drag racing on the expressway. They jumped off to avoid the cops. One drove into a gas pump and burned up his car. That would have been a fairly interesting story. Then I read that car was a Dodge Neon. A Dodge Neon was doing 145 mph? Unless it was really a Dodge SRT-4, I'll only believe it got that fast driving over a cliff.
But this driving story is a lot more fun. A guy in Louisville got pulled over and charged with a DUI, but he had a novel excuse why he was weaving. He wasn't drunk. He was getting a hummer from his female passenger. I tend to believe him. He only blew a .054 which is below the legal limit. It doesn't say what his passenger blew. Besides him.
Oh, here's a good one. Some airline in Australia fired a steward for putting a year and a half old child into the overhead compartment and closing it. I was surprised at the firing because I've always advocated that children should be put up there on all flights. But it really got good seeing that she said "I was devastated. I was absolutely devastated. I was crying. My husband was in shock. For days on end, I was crying." Did the child suffocate while he was up there? Was he up there the entire flight? He was up there "for up to 10 seconds." Meaning 10 seconds was the maximum. Now this ignorant woman is taking him to see all kinds of "specialists". Do any do nude therapy? Seriously. Is this woman deranged? The kid was in the dark for 10 seconds. He's Australian. Which means he is descended from convicts. I'm sure he's tougher than that. If he's got emotional problems, it isn't from being in the dark for a few seconds. It's because his mom is a psychopath.
Here's a story I've been saving for awhile. A federal judge in Georgia is apparently the Charlie Sheen of the judicial system. He was buying coke and other drugs to snort with a stripper. That's just tacky. Give her the money. Make her buy the drugs. You just can't trust strippers these days. So sad. And dangerous. Some guy in Miami won $650K for getting poked in the eye by a stripper's high heel shoe. Not sure what he wanted her to do, but I prefer they rub someone softer in my face.
6 years ago