I thought Saturday would be the first UL/UK football game that I would attend without drinking any alcohol before going in. My dad was in town for the game and we went for breakfast buffet at Frisch's Big Boy which surprisingly does not serve alcohol. Then we went to the Red Mile where UL fans traditionally tailgate except there were a lot fewer people. But fortunately enough to give me a jump when the battery of my car died. But with few people tailgating, we just decided to wander over the railroad tracks and head to the stadium. But in the Commonwealth parking lot, a UK fan obviously didn't like the fact that I wasn't drinking so he made me drink one of his beers. Which I did because he was playing the good host so I should be the considerate guest.
There's a moral to the story above. If a host offers you a gift, you should take it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, KRAGTHORPE, YOU STUPID BASTARD? When your opponent turns the ball over three straight series, you take advantage of it. Four trips inside the 15 yard line resulting in 6 points? Great play calling. How about an option on fourth and 1? Or even better, how do you get a delay of game penalty after you spiked the ball with 8 seconds left in the game and no timeouts? What were you going to run besides the hail mary pass? This game was exciting because it was close. It was poorly played. Neither team tackled well. Clock management is apparently a lost art form in the Bluegrass State. Neither team could get much of a pass rush. I believe in moral victories if you're struggling and come up just short to top 20 teams. I don't believe in moral victories when you lose to UK.
I knew UL wasn't good. They beat Indiana State 30-10. ISU has since lost two games against to Division I-AA schools by a combined 70-0. If I was UK, I might be concerned since they needed a muffed punt to set up their go-ahead touchdown. Otherwise, they might have lost to a bad UL team. I'll be surprised if either team goes bowling. UK obviously has a better chance. They shouldn't lose to LA-Monroe or EKU so they'll got 4-0 nonconference. That means if they beat Mississippi State, they just need to upset another SEC team to get to 6-6. I still don't understand the whole love affair with Rich Brooks at UK. I just think if you accept a guy who can schedule six wins (when UL is down) with a couple of years getting to eight, that's what you're going to get. There are plenty of coaches who can do that.
I think the biggest upset of the whole weekend was Tennessee only losing to Florida 23-13. Supposedly, Florida was going to run up the score on Tennessee as payback for new Lane Kiffin coach saying some not-so-nice things about Florida in the offseason. One was falsely accusing Florida coach Urban Meyer of cheating. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. What he brought up may not have been cheating but Meyer coaches an SEC team so you know he's cheating. Kiffin also said at his first press conference something about hearing Rocky Top sung after beating Florida this year. Because most coaches use their first press conference after taking a new job to tell how they plan to lose to their new conference rival. Following the much closer than expected game, Florida players and coaches pretended that they just wanted to come out with a win. Revisionist history at its best. Everyone knew they wanted to beat Tennessee by a lot, and they didn't. While I have to still consider Florida the favorite to win the title this year, it's definitely not set in stone.
Now on to some non-sports stories because Lisa might be reading. Here's a story that may make her stop reading. A mayor in Oregon is under fire from parents for showing up to speak to students dressed in a bikini top, heels and miniskirt. What's worse? He's a transgendered male. What's worse than that? He's a horribly ugly middle aged male dressing up like that. I would vomit if that thing showed up in a bikini top and miniskirt. But he thinks it's perfectly acceptable because he's a complete moron.
Let's find a better miniskirt story to try to get that image out of my mind before I throw up. Here's one. Some sheriff deputies were driving back to Midland from gun training and stopped at a restaurant called Twin Peaks which sounds like a wholesome family restaurant. After having a few beers and possibly chicken fried steak, one of the deputies allowed one of the waitresses to pose with a rifle on his squad car. Now, I'm not saying this was the smartest thing to do, but I want to know if the rifle was loaded, because if it wasn't, she was there with a club. And who called the cops? She was holding a rifle on a police car. Did someone think it was gang activity? It's a hot chick sitting on a car with a rifle. This is Texas. That happens.
At least that restaurant visit didn't lead to an arrest like this one in Detroit. A guy gets a date with some chick he recently met. They go to Buffalo Wild Wings. I don't know why since that place doesn't carry the pepperoni pockets anymore. He claims to have left his wallet in her car. She gives him her keys to get it. He drives off with her car. And women thought dating me was bad. Showing what a brilliant thief he is, he forgets that he previously sent her a picture of himself.
This was awhile back but still interesting how stupid people are. Scotland was lambasted by our FBI director for releasing the Lockerbie bomber. Apparently some people believe that if you murder 270 people with an airline bomb, you should serve more than seven years. Granted, if it was up to me, I wouldn't have let him stay in jail for that long. He'd be in the ground. Scotland maintains that it often gives compassionate release to terminally ill convicts. Yeah, I'm not sure this is the same as releasing some guy who cheated on his taxes. It makes it a little more unseemly when he's given a hero's welcome upon his return to Libya. The idiot who let him go was shocked, shocked that they broke their agreement not to give him one. Has he missed the decades of Qaddafi rule? He's not known for keeping agreements. What I love is the idiot bomber who was greeted by Qaddafi who acted like a long lost relative. Is he forgetting that Qaddafi is the one who turned him over for trial? And if the bomber was truly innocent, Qaddafi could have cleared him because by paying restitution, Qaddafi admitted he knows who really planned the bombing.
Oh, and we're finding out that the British may (and by may, I mean they did) have let him go as part of an oil deal with Libya. I guess it might be better to think they were corrupt rather than stupid.
Why would anyone make a deal with Qaddafi? He's nuts. His latest was trying to use the UN to abolish Switzerland. Why? His son was once arrested for beating up a hotel maid there. The fact that the UN actually takes his membership seriously is reason #10,294 why we should kick the UN out of New York.
Man, I thought I was a slob. I'm an amateur compared to this guy. Some dude in New York had so much trash in his apartment that the smell prompted police to check it out because they assumed there was a corpse in there. No corpse. Just a nasty smelly man. In a public housing complex. How did they deal with The Problem? Oh, they moved the neighbors who could not stand the smell elsewhere. Notice the word "public". Remember that level of competency when you hear the "public option" of health care reform.
Here's a fun story. Some Kraut used tire repair solvent to fix his air mattress. Apparently trying to inflate it the next day caused a spark which caused the mattress to blow up. Which was powerful enough to move his wall. My first thought was "what an idiot". My next thought was "I wonder if I can get an air mattress to explode like that".
Great Britain is messed up. They let a guy go home after being convicted of 270 cases of murder. Then they tell Boy Scouts not to bring their scout knives to camp. Why? Because England has a lot of crime with knives. Are you friggin' kidding me? I'm willing to bet that the knife crime is not the product of Boy Scouts. I'm also willing to bet the knives being used in those crimes are not Boy Scout pen knives. I know. I was a Boy Scout. Boy Scout knives suck. They're barely good enough for whittling. Any competent criminal will just grab a steak knife over that piece of crap. And I was a hell of a lot more dangerous with fire than I ever was with a knife.
Of course this is England. They had a businessman whose family was held hostage by three men who threatened to kill them all. That is until the hostages got loose and proceeded to beat the hell out of one of them. Guess who is going to jail? The guy held hostage. Once again, are you friggin' kidding me? How stupid can you be as a country? Let's see. If I rob someone and get my ass kicked, you'll put them in jail and pay me compensation? What's the drawback here? If I was on that jury, I'd have acquitted him even if he'd killed them. Keep him from robbing my house.
I'm surprised it took this long to happen, but in Turkey, some guys (you know it was guys) set up a fake Big Brother style reality show to lure hot chicks into a house where they taped everything they did. And sold the naked pictures on the internet. At least until the police raided the place. Well good. There's no place in the high character world of reality television for this type of behavior. By the way, pass the word to any hot chicks you know. I'm going to be putting together a Big Brother style reality show in my apartment. Women only. They can send me their applications. Pictures required.
Did anyone see a star in the sky that night? A Polish woman is suing an Egyptian resort because her 13 year old daughter got pregnant while they were there. Her reasoning is that her daughter couldn't' have been impregnated through sex. Instead, she must have been knocked up by 'stray sperm' that was in the swimming pool. Was her daughter swimming naked? After all, that explanation would mean that the sperm would have to survive the chlorine and heat of the pool water and then work its way through the girl's swimsuit into her stuff. Yeah, that could happen. I'm sure this will end all of those jokes about Polish people. And I'll have to remember this when.........I mean if I ever start banging teenagers.
An interesting study came out. It found out why women have sex. Apparently it has nothing to do with love and passion. It's for material gain, out of boredom, sympathy (I need to use that more) and to get their significant other to stop bothering them. And this was the best part. They found that "most women do not find most men sexually attractive." And here I thought it was just me. Did all you guys who think you're hot stuff read that? Women think you're as nasty and disgusting as me. At least, that's the way I read it.
6 years ago