Man, I got behind on this blog. Got a lot to catch up on. Michael Jackson died and it was a huge deal. For most people. I was kind of indifferent. In fact, the tragic death of an Iowa football coach and even pitchman Billy Mays were more compelling to me. I certainly didn't wish Jackson dead. I'd rather parents just not let kids sleep over with him. But people die everyday, and I just don't find his to be that extraordinary. I don't feel a part of my childhood is lost. To begin with, I'm not that big a fan of pop music. Billie Jean was a great song, and Thriller was a really good album, but the last song of his I thought was decent was Smooth Criminal. King of Pop? I thought Prince had more talent. And when he became a sideshow freak, I no longer considered him a good part of my childhood (but probably still better than a lot of other childhoods he ruined). But even if I was a huge fan and didn't believe he had molested children, I still wouldn't be that torn up about it. To be honest, my concern for celebrity well being is so they continue to entertain. Jackson hadn't done anything for well over a decade. He's spent a lot of time scamming people into thinking he would do something new before bailing out again. I never thought his new tour would happen (but not because I thought he would die). The only contribution Jackson has made lately is silly tabloid crap over his bizarre behavior. Personally, I found that more pathetic than interesting.
A man (who might have been drunk) was arrested for using a live swan to beat on his friend. Now my first thought was how terrible for the swan. But then my next thought was that it was probably pretty funny to see. My final thought was to wonder if that made a good weapon.
The US soccer team made news this week by almost winning their first FIFA tournament. But they lost. Would have been a nice win since it would have pissed off the rest of the world. Other than that, I don't care. I've long said that as long as football and basketball are as popular as they are here, the US won't be a top team in soccer. The best US athletes just play other sports. I don't know that Barry Sanders would have been a good soccer player but with his speed and nimble feet, it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he played soccer from childhood. Yet, other countries are so silly about that sport that some thought Iran's election could hinge on it. Which turned out to be a stupid thought when the ruling mullahs simply swiped the election for Ahmadinejad. Who needs soccer when you run a brutal dictatorship.
Which has led to mass protests in Iran. Which surprises me because it wasn't a fair election even before the fraud. All candidates have to be pre-approved by the ruling religious council. Someone didn't get the memo. Now our Lord and Savior, Barak Obama, doesn't seem to be sure what the Hell he thinks about all this. I'm sure it's all a distraction. But Obama did do one thing. He took back his invitations (that were never accepted) for Iranian diplomats to attend 4th of July parties at American embassies. It was called "Hot Dog Diplomacy". What a great idea. Invite people from a totalitarian country to celebrate our freedom. Probably for the best. This is the same administration that gave the British PM DVDs that wouldn't work over there. Probably would have served 100% pork hot dogs. Oh, but Obama did credit his speech in Cairo for leading to the protests even though it never really addressed Iranian voting freedom. But I'm sure it was all because of the speech and has nothing to do with the fact that Iraqis are freely voting right next door.
I'm not going to belittle a county for complaining that a Krispy Kreme plant is clogging sewer pipes. Well, I am. On one point anyway. It says that the sewage plant is "permeated by the smell of doughnuts". As opposed to raw sewage? I think I'd prefer the smell of doughnuts over crap.
Some contestant on American Idol made news by coming out of the closet. I was shocked. I thought that was a requirement to finish second place.
Mmmmmmmm. Cleavage.
Hell yeah. I've been worried about the proposed A-Team movie because I heard some rapper named Common was going to be B.A.. Who the Hell is that? But now I've heard some good news. They might be getting Liam Neeson to be Hannibal Smith. I could easily see him stepping into George Peppard's role. I'm not really sure who they should get for B.A.. Mr. T was really a character himself, not just playing one. But they better have the A-Team van. And it's a movie so they can actually shoot people instead of just their cars.
Gee, I wonder why no one takes PETA very seriously. Oh, because they equate throwing dead fish in a fish market to throwing dead kittens. Get a clue, dumbasses. People aren't going to make that comparison because kittens are pets. Those fish are for dinner. If we ate kittens (and depending on where you get your takeout, you might), people might throw their carcasses around.
Gee, I wonder why no one takes England very seriously anymore. Oh, because in an effort to combat knife violence, someone there came up with the stab proof knife. Yeah, I'm sure the criminal element will be scarfing these up. Actually, they probably like it because if they break into your house, you can't even grab a knife to defend yourself anymore.
Here's why they should make losers in frivolous lawsuits not only have to pay all the expenses, but sterilize some of them. A woman sues Captain Crunch because the Crunchberries were not real fruit as she expected. Okay, it's bad enough that she thought she could convince anyone that there is a non-retarded person out there who thinks there are such a thing as Crunchberries growing in the wild. No, the reason this women needs to be eliminated from the gene pool is because she ate them for four years before deciding they weren't fruit.
Hey, maybe this was her attorney. Up in Jeffersonville, Indiana, a lawyer who represents several public entities somehow got drunk and ended up in a neighbor's garbage can. Now the mayor is on the attack. Not against his embarrassment of an attorney. Nope, he wants to go after the cops because they took pictures on their cell phones and let the pictures out. Sorry, chump. The cops weren't in the wrong. That pictures was taken on a public street. If they were wrong about anything, it's because they didn't arrest him for getting drunk and passing out in the garbage can. How low rent is that guy? When I get drunk and wallow in filth, it's usually my own. Not my neighbor's.
6 years ago